Saturday, August 29, 2009

11.000,00 Euro Brought Great Relief

Das Hilfswerk Deutscher Zahnaerzte (HDZ) unterstuetzt notleidende Kinder in Nepal - 11.000,00 Euro Soforthilfe fuer 15 Kinder in Pokhara im Oktober 2008 zum Erwerb eines Kuhstalls ueberwiesen.

e-concierge unterstuetzt die Villa Kunterbunt : ))

Rolf Schmelzer ist als ARD freelancer (bis Februar 2012 in Nepal) gemeinsam mit der nepalesischen Sozialarbeiterin Aruna Khadka des Vereins "Hope for Himalayan Kids" zum Ergebnis gekommen, dass Kinder in Kinderhaeusern oder Waisenhaeusern (orphan homes) in Nepal vielfach dazu missbraucht werden, dass die board members dieser Einrichtungen sich in sehr vielen Faellen persoenlich an teilweise ueppig fliessenden Spendengeldern bereichern und die Kinder absichtlich in einem schlecht ernaehrten und schlechtem gesundheitlichen Zustand halten, um weitere Spendengelder zu erhalten.

Mit der "Villa Kunterbunt" sollen 15 Kinder des "Young Mountain Kinderhauses", Pokhara in vorhandene Familien(-teile) bzw. Pflegefamilien (family groups in family homes) mit mehrjaehriger sozialarbeiterischer Begleitung reintegriert und kindgerecht betreut werden.

Rolf Schmelzer hat e-conciergeFFM vom 29. August bis 13. September 2009 nach Nepal eingeladen, das Projekt "Villa Kunterbunt" zu begleiten und weiter zu unterstützen.

e-concierge unterstuetzt die Villa Kunterbunt : )) DANKE! Fuer den tollen support!! ; ))

Was bisher geschah:

The "Young Mountain Kinderhaus" in Pokhara (Nepal) got 11.000,00 Euro from German Dentists! The 15 children now feel great relief. The problem that had occured all of a sudden was, that the landlord of their "home" - which actually were cow-sheds - told us that he would not longer host the kids between 4 and 16 years old. Instead of them he would like to get more cows to earn more money with his milk business. Which is understandable, but it created horrible fear for the children which at present live in another simple shelter next door under very por conditions.

With those 11.000,00 Euro the children now are in a strong position and we are looking for a better and sustainable alternative. A family just has offered to give us their old house which is in a pretty good condition including a kitchen, six rooms, a garden, a rooftop garden, playgrounds and A REAL FAMILY with a grandfather, a grandmother, a mother and four children. The father works in USA. We already introduced the kids to that family in Pokhara step by step and will sort out things carefully. A rental contract has been signed already! Nepali Social Workers from "Hope for Himalayan Kids" and international volunteers are taking good care of the reintegration of some of the kids into their existing families, the others will find their new family home at the Kunwar family in Pokhara ("HDZ Kinderhaus")

When we have all information together we will keep You informed here about what the kids still need for good health, nutrition and education.

Ashmita (11), Suman (11), Sagar (15), Prem (14), Bishal (9), Shyam (5), Gore (5), Rubina (9), Premraz (15), Raj Kumar (15), Niraj (12), Keshav 14), Suresh (16), Menuka (13) and Ramila (4) thank You for Your kind and sustainable support and interest in their simple but happy nepali life!